1 in 5 Restaurant Calorie Listings is Off

Of course I come across this article as I am in the process of losing some weight by counting my calories. Apparently some restaurants aren’t entirely correct when listing their meals calories. Tufts University nutrition researchers have shown that nearly one out of five restaurant dishes has at least 100 more calories than what a restaurant states on its website. The underestimated foods came from several restaurant chains, including Chipotle Mexican Grill, Olive Garden, Boston Market and Outback Steakhouse. Of course Chipotle is one of them because I had that today for lunch!!

The lab analysis showed that 19% of the foods tested had 100 or more calories in excess of what was on the website. (Which obviously is awesome because now I get to be paranoid ordering food wondering if I’m just that unlucky to choose one of those items from that 19%) 100 calories may not seem like a lot to people who aren’t counting calories, but it’s the difference of having a snack or not for me.

Continuing on with why the world hates me, according to the Tufts lab analysis, Chipotle’s burrito bowl with rice, black beans, peppers, onions, lettuce, green tomatillo salsa and cheese (which if you notice my picture above is almost EXACTLY what I got today) had 703 total calories which is 249 more than what was expected based on information from the restaurant’s website.

This article just concludes my theory of why I have so much anxiety. It’s because I know how unlucky I am. When you hear about those stories like a plane crashed in the ocean and everyone survived except one unfortunate soul, yeah that person was just like me. I’m that small percentage of things going wrong. I could’ve found an article about McDonalds giving wrong calories or a chain on the West Coast that I’ve  never been to, but no. It’ about the one restaurant that I chose to go to today. Not only that, but it decided to reference the one thing I ordered from the menu as being almost 250 more calories then I thought it was. Now you tell me that it’s all coincidence.

I am paranoid because I just expect the worst possible scenario, always.


CNN Article about this: http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/07/19/restaurant.calories.off/index.html